Tuesday, March 30, 2010

quick trip to tulsa

i like to travel. i especially like road trips. i especially love road trips with deacon. he's been traveling with me since he was just a couple of weeks old and really loves the road. he never complains, just hops in his car seat and off we go. i'd rather travel with him than with most adults. we play i spy, talk about everything under the sun, look at roadside wonders, listen to hip hop- and talk radio, and if we see something that sparks our interest, we stop.

i've been trying to see my friends in tulsa since september when austin was born, but somehow work and then having pregnancy sickness put the kabosh on my plans. somehow the stars aligned and deacon and i made it to see our friends, and meet a new one. a quick trip but well worth it to snuggle a baby, take some photos, eat greasy food, read a book or two, and take a solid car nap.

i realize i look more frightening than excited in this picture, but i was really into it.

although deacon isn't much of a hugger, he really warmed to addison.

1 comment:

Wes & Rachel Taylor said...

i can't believe of all the pictures you took, that is the one you posted on your blog!! so glad you came to see us. i miss you already!