Monday, November 29, 2010

lynsey's laughter

life can be hard sometimes. just when we think we're in a rhythm something throws us through a loop. i think parenting adds another level to the crazy. kids are unpredictable, yet we put so much pressure on ourselves when it comes to parenting. watching lynsey and jason with their boys makes me want to stop and refocus.

she laughs. sometimes i get so overwhelmed that i forget that i don't need to take myself so seriously. our kids need to see us laugh, even in the midst of a really hard time, or when we're to the point of frustration. they believe we have the answers. sometime we do, most times we don't. knowing that these little people look to us for affirmation and we are the ones that teach them that this big world is generally a good place makes me re-evaluate where i spend my time and energy.

carson and logan love their mommy and daddy. they believe that they have the answers, they know the right way. it's a big responsibility, being someone's everything, but lynsey and jason are doing everything they can to love these little ones and grow them into good men. at the end of the hard days, when they aren't really sure what next one is going to bring, i hope they know they are good parents to two very important people.


Jaime P. said...

Such a happy and beautiful family! You really captured their spirit...I think that is one of your greatest talents as a photographer.


Jenny said...

Mere, so cute!

trhodus said...

Amazing Photography and an Amazing Family!! Loved it!