Wednesday, April 13, 2011

what i've been up to

my sister in law sent me an email a while back and asked if i'd moved my blog. she said she missed my words. i've missed them too.

i hate it when people tell you how busy they are, like we aren't all in the same boat. but over the past 7 months i've made some decisions. like; you can use your towel a couple of times before you need to wash it, then you don't have so many to fold and put away. a little dirt on the floor is good for the soul. and going to bed at 8:30 makes me much happier when midnight, 3, and 6 roll around. so i'm fudging on things. figuring out what i can do right now and what i can't. sometimes that includes finding words.

i'm enjoying really investing time in my family. for the first time i'm not trying to validate myself with a number of blog posts, photo shoots, and calendar entries. i'm trying to figure out what fits, what's worth saving, how to live simply, and what i need to give up.

thought i'd share a little piece of what's been going on.

meeting new friends


trying new foods.....

fixin' feet

celebrating with each other



hope you're having a great day!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Meredith you are amazing! Love love your words and all the amazing photos. Most of all appreciate your wonderful transparent heart. Love you, Mary Jean