Saturday, May 8, 2010

a little blessing

little ava is their special girl. it's obvious. sure most parents, good ones anyway, think their children are precious and could not imagine any other child in their world but that one. they love her like it's going out of style.

i had a conversation with a friend the other night about what it's like being pregnant with a child and learning your baby isn't going to be just like other babies. she doesn't have any children yet, and asked how you get over knowing your child isn't what you thought it would be. i think most of us expect perfection at first, 10 fingers and 10 toes. potential to be the first female president, or cure cancer. but really when you meet your child, even if not everything is exactly what you expected you can't imagine it any other way. and the more they are in your life the more upset you become at yourself and others for thinking it should be any other way, that somehow you should have control over the life you were given. and the blessing becomes less about perfection and more about the bond in your relationship through the things that weren't perfect at all.

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