Monday, June 1, 2009

love under pressure

the first time he took notice, she was on her bike. she may have dinged her bell going by, he wondered who she was. they officially met during that first semester in law school, when stress gets high and your confidence is challenged. throughout different sets of finals they fell in love, bought a house, and adopted a dog. for most people this would be just about enough to drive you insane, but for them it works.

kate and mike are brilliant. in fact mike was voted the person his classmates would least like to contend with in the courtroom. kate has a quick wit and from what i understand, is quite a wordsmith. as i write this simple blog entry i'm trying to keep my grammatical errors to a minimum.....

push all their intelligence, and accolades aside and you will find beautifully kind people. i have met them here and there but shooting them was the first time for me to really learn about them. i loved the way kate's face lit up when she told me how mike proposed, and then again when i shared how brandon asked me. it's the kind of excitement for others achievements and happy moments that make marriages fun, and that ultimately make marriages work.

1 comment:

Kate Paulman said...

Meredith, we love our pictures! You had such great ideas for the shoot - like the bikes, we never would've thought of it, but they turned out to be some of our favorite shots! We couldn't be happier with the process or the results. You're great! Thanks again!