Monday, August 10, 2009

because he is

i've know her a long time. she's my beauty queen cousin with the thickest kentucky accent. she's as tiny as a thimble but has the will of an ox; a million contradictions in a pretty little package. she’s quick to say, “i’m not touchy feely.” she’s not a hugger and doesn’t particularly care to be cuddled. but i have to wonder if deep down inside it’s something she craves, because he is.

i didn't know him well. i had only met him once before. he nonchalantly said, "i’m just ready for this day to be over" when i asked if he was a little nervous. standing there by the fence, he seemed like he meant what he said and i hoped that i was misreading the emotions.

as i came into the sanctuary where he waited to see her for the first time i caught his smile, and asked again. this time he said, “i’m just so excited, i can’t wait to see her.” his nervous laughter made me realize that however guarded he seemed before was just his cover, and what i thought was indifference was simply the desire to tear through the pomp to be with her. and that made me love him.

as she passed through the sanctuary doors he turned and saw her. he couldn’t stand to be still any longer and ran to meet her as she made her way down the aisle. he backed up to carefully admire her dress, her hair, her. he held her and told her she was beautiful and it was obvious that no other woman could hold a candle his bride. i felt like i had walked in on the most intimate moment, but i couldn’t tear my eyes off them.

at that moment it didn't matter what was happening around them, the rain, the unplanned, the chaos, and all the unexpected emotion. what mattered was jamie loved morgan and he ran to her.

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