Saturday, April 3, 2010

here's to new beginnings, lots of them

i photographed dan and ginas wedding a couple of years ago. they are the most gracious, caring couple and i felt honored to be part of such an important and incredible union.

fast forward and here we are, gina making leaps of faith to teach to kids in which english is not their native tongue and dan being stretched to find what he is truly designed to do. if you asked them last summer where they would be just a couple of months later they would probably just tell you it was in God's hands. and it has been. gina resigned a steady teaching position and dans position at a big accounting firm was eliminated like so many others. scary times, but they feel blessed because they trusted that there were big things in store for them. and there are, like starting a new a family, in a new home.

our vision for their maternity session was outdoor but the rain changed our plans and rather than shoot in the studio i went to the home they were getting ready to move into. lots of projects wrapping up, but the empty space soon to be filled with baby gear and furniture was a nice change from the norm.

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