Wednesday, March 30, 2011

there's nothing quite as beautiful

as a new mother. if we're not careful we might see only tired eyes from late nights and early mornings. the exhaustion and uncertainty of bringing a tiny little person home to care for. but look closely at her, when the baby is in her arms, she comes alive.

every woman walks into motherhood differently; some with excitement, others fear-stricken, some seem so natural, others a little more anxious. but i've noticed that when everything is striped down and it's just the mother with her baby, it's like this piece that was suppose to be there all along clicks into place and she becomes more herself than she ever was before.

my sweet clare. i've known her for several years but watching her as a mother really was captivating. she's always had such a grace about her, but as a mother her beauty can not be contained.


Anonymous said...

Yes Beautiful!

PS I'm so glad you are back!

Debbie J said...

love the tabletop shot!!! she is so cute, I just can't wait to meet her!