Tuesday, February 23, 2010

a sesame seed...

...that's what size it was only a few weeks ago when i found out, today it's more like a medium shrimp. my baby. the precious little person i've been praying for, hoping for. 13 weeks and growing so quickly, so fiercely, that i find myself sick more than not. but i have perspective. i have a grateful heart.

when you get married usually the first question people ask is, "when are you going to have a baby?" i guess it's a way to make conversation. when your child is of a certain age the second question comes, "when are you going to have another baby? don't you think your son needs a sibling?" again simple conversation that was probably said with the most innocent of intentions. but sometimes people don't think that those simple conversation starters might be a huge source of pain and discouragement for the people they are asking.

finding out about this baby was in someways bittersweet. with my first i was concerned for myself, my baby, my joy. with this one i am more aware of my friends my family that have desperately been trying to conceive and just can't. we've walked through tests, tears, and countless months of waiting only to find disappointment at the other end. so why after so long am i the one? why are my friends and sweet family that would be better parents than i could imagine not able to fulfill a dream they've had their whole life? i can't answer it. but again i have perspective. i am beyond grateful to know that i have life growing inside of me, and that i have been given the most amazing of gifts.

if you have them, hug your kids today, even if they are being naughty. and praise God that He let you be the one to raise them.


Jen said...

I love this post. Thanks. :)

Sarah Rahija said...

Thanks for the reminder today ... my third sweet baby was growing inside of my belly when we met, and today is a monkey climbing all over me, big sister's dresser (digging out her deodorant all over the place), destroying middle sister's lego house, ... and smiling the whole way. I know a set of parents that had to make the choice to take their 22 year old off life support today after a terrible car accident, ... so as I look at my monkey's sparkling eyes, I will choose to hug her today, reveling in her orneriness and thanking Him for giving her a courageous, curious spirit, and that I get to be the one to help guide and direct it. Thank you for your gift of perspective, from a sesame seed to a shrimp to a 25 pound bundle to extreme joy. Congrats to you!

Kori Watson said...

Congrats!!! Being a mother is wonderful and being a mother of two...is even better! More LOVE to go around! I wish you luck!

Jaime said...


Let's get that playdate on the books soon so that I can love all over that belly...now, if that doesn't scare you off, nothing will. ;)

So happy for you all - and what a lucky baby to have two such amazing parents and such a loving big brother.

Sending positive vibes that the nausea won't be as bad this go round.