Monday, March 22, 2010

tuesday mornings

some people go into a marriage hopeful of the wedding day, something they've spent their forever thinking of. some people go into a marriage hopeful that the one they chose will never change, that life will be exactly what it is now. yet there are those few that will take each day as it comes. knowing that things won't always be the same, that the fairy tale does in fact have an ending but that doesn't mean life isn't just as exciting when there is nothing in particular going on.

i heard it said that in a marriage anyone can make it through the good times, and the hard times might make life uncomfortable but the true test is the tuesday morning when nothing is particularly good nor bad. i think ben and sadie will hang to those tuesdays like they mean something, because they are being done together. at the end of their life together i have a feeling they will look at each other as they would look into a mirror and will honestly say they enjoyed the ride mostly for the tuesday mornings.

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