Wednesday, June 2, 2010

working toward forever: celeste and brian

she's not into things like registering or picking the perfect flowers. she'd much rather have her friends decide what they want to do than to dictate her wishes on her wedding day. she likes him, and likes when he remembers to write something sweet in a card. he likes her and i imagine that's enough. they aren't conventional, but they aren't unconventional either, and somewhere along the line they decided to spend their lives together.

they are working toward forever, keeping a tally of good and bad salsa, fixing up houses, and just being there. celeste coming home with blankets and dishes from estate sales and brian making her weak in the knees with his smile.


celeste said...

you are awesome. thanks for being your amazing self, and letting us be us, and capturing our spirit. i loved the time together and can't wait for the big day!
thanks again, meredith - you are a gift!
PS - how you remember these details of cards and salsa is absolutely impressive!!

Jan said... tears :)

Regan said...

Ah Meredith you've done it again. These pics of C & B turned out are a rare talent.

jpruitt said...

Beautiful shots - you totally captured them.