Thursday, July 15, 2010

IW Book Club Friends

it's been three years. every month we come together and share ideas, frustrations, a little bit of gossip, wine, good food, hugs, and lots of laughter. my book club friends aren't stuffy, they aren't so concerned if someone can't even remember the title of the book we were suppose to read (me last night). what we are concerned with is each other.

over the last three years we have shared life together. some of us only see each other that one time during the month, but somehow that's enough. the friendships we have don't require phone calls, or lunch dates. they simply require showing up, giving a hug and way too much information about child birth or some other arbitrary but important topic.

my book club friends might have started as my friends from work that i didn't want to loose touch with, but now they are irreplaceable touch points in my life that make me a better person.


celeste! said...

great pictures! cute babies!! What a fun group. the absolutele highlight of my month! love you girls!

Jan said...


Anonymous said...

Meredith, you are so talented...and so fortunate to have such wonderful friends!