Saturday, July 3, 2010

meeting needs

the sweetest gifts are the ones that are unexpected, undeserved, and that weren't asked for. in the last several weeks i've really been thinking about how grateful i am for the kind of friendships that give without question, filling needs that make life better than you ever thought possible. i guess i've been thinking a lot about it, because i've been on the receiving end.

a few weeks ago our sweet friends "broke" into our house and repainted our bedroom. we've just not had the time, or energy to do it and as i get closer to my due date my nesting is starting to intensify. my friend natalie decided she was going to make it happen for us. forget the fact that her husband is in the thick of bar prep, they have an infant and a 3 year old, and tons of other obligations- they decided to bless us. i won't ever forget how that made me feel. we walked in from a weekend out of town to a bright new room, and one less task on our list.

today my little boy was given a gift that made our whole family feel humbled. another set of friends decided to give deacon their incredible wooden clubhouse. we wouldn't have been able to do that for him, and they wanted him to have it. not only did they give him this incredible gift they spent the entire day tearing it down, loading it up, and resetting it in our backyard. other friends volunteered their time, trucks, and trailers to make it happen. i kept saying i felt like i was at a barn raising and i didn't even make a pie. all these people had better things to do, the clubhouse could have been sold, but they decided we were worth it.

i just needed to say thank you to my sweet friends, for making life good for me and my family. because of you, i want to take care of others the way you've taken care of me. thank you. and amy, you're awesome.

how can you bless someone today?

1 comment:

Jaime P said...

Send those friends to my house, will you? ;) Darling...and you deserve every bit of it, my friend.