Friday, February 6, 2009

goals and such

during the winter i have to admit, sometimes i get in a funk. i miss the sun, i don't work as much, i seem to get really hungry (which means my pants get tight), and i get a little down on myself for all the things i'm not and probably never will be. but as we turned to 2009 i listed out some goals that have helped me focus on things that can be attained. our friend jeff said he was listing his new years resolutions out in a very public way to keep him accountable. so i'm shamelessly stealing his idea and doing the same.

i broke my list into mind, body, spirit, and soul

- read 20 books in 2009. easy when i was in college, harder with a 2 year old
- do at least 1 triathlon. i plan on doing one the weekend of my 30th (gasp) birthday
- 1/2 marathon. i hate running, hate it, but sometimes you find good things when you do what you don't want to
- join a small group as a couple so we can grow together in our faith
- spend a weekend by myself, in silence. i have a hard time with quiet but for some reason feel i'm suppose to do this
- do a devotion with deacon on a regular basis
-eat at least 3 meals together a week as a family. (hard with brandon in law school and when i work week nights)
-at least 5 probono photography projects for charities i love

so what about you? do you have any goals, resolutions, etc? leave a comment, send me an email, there's power in telling someone else what you want.


Mandy said...

I really love this blog Meredith. Which triathlon are you doing? I've been pondering the thought of finally trying one this year too. We're excited to see you guys for the conference on Feb. 28th!

Sarah Rahija said...

Meredith, I only met you once, during my sister Desiree's wedding, but really admired your authenticity. It was very easy to be ourselves around you, and as she sent your blog address to me, I have really enjoyed reading this. You are transparent, and your words tell a story much like your photographs. Thank you for sharing yourself ... it is what Father desires from us, and one way we bring glory to Him. I look forward to reading more in the future, and as our get out of debt so we can "live like no one else" comes to fruition, I can't wait to see you again for some more great pictures! You are a gift!

Unknown said...

Are you one of my very special students, whom I'll always remember? !!

I received pixs from Jamie & Cheryl McG. with your name...or I think it is you.

Would love to hear from you!!!!

Love, Susie Gerdes