Tuesday, May 26, 2009


what do you think about when you hear the word grandmother?

i think of 3 women; mom dot, momma lee, and nether mommie. i think of summers in kentucky sitting on a glider reading books snuggling. of trips to toys r us, and "who's girl are you?" of hugs, and cards, and cokes. macaroni and cheese and homemade pickles. i wish i could describe, but somehow my memory goes to how each one of them smelled when i nuzzled in.

my grandmothers lived too far to spend just an afternoon and sometimes my heart hurts for the things i missed being away. the memories of my childhood with my grandmothers, and great grandmother are cherished and still today i adore my grandmothers and appreciate them beyond words.

this photo shoot made me wonder what memories carter will carry. will he have inside jokes, favorite knick knacks, certain songs that only his grandmother can sing? watching his mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother love on him i couldn't help but get sentimental about how precious those relationships are. at the end of the day i am more blessed by the people that have loved me like they love carter than anything else i could hope for.

1 comment:

Nidia said...

Gosh, I wish you didnt live so far. I would do anything to have you photograph my family. YOu do wonderful work. Congratulations.

Bastrop, Texas