Monday, May 11, 2009

keeping my promise

we're different now. not a bad different, i'd say a good different. life has changed dramatically since his first day of law school. we have a child, i am self employed, some of our friends are different, the places we go are different, just about everything is different.

this weekend marked finality to brandon's, and my, law school experience. i couldn't be more proud. sure it had some hard moments, but when brandon stood up to make a speech as the top graduate my heart swelled with pride.

we made a promise to each other a long time ago, after we went to a Young Life talent show and saw Devin Henderson perform. we said if we ever had something big to celebrate we would have a party and hire him to come perform. brandon has kept his card in his wallet all these years. as i was planning his graduation party i decided it was time to make good on that promise and surprised my sweet husband with Devin. Devin is not only an incredible magician, he's hilarious and can work a crowd like nobody's business.

we had an amazing time with our family and closest friends, and i haven't laughed that hard in a while. please check out Devin's website.

he's doing some shows in may at the IMPROV at Zona Rosa- every saturday in May at 3pm. tickets are an incredible $5.

i'm taking the week off to spend with my family before bar prep starts, there will be a lot of posting next week, i promise.

1 comment:

Cinda said...

it was an amazing evening... we're so proud of you all!!! love you and have a good time relaxing!