Sunday, March 22, 2009

good night/ bad photos

remember sara swenson? i took some photos of her this summer to help with her promotional materials.

well, she's amazing and is all over kansas city performing, that is when she's not in the class room teaching. friday night she played a concert in my town to benefit Young Life. her voice haunts me. sometimes you hear an album and then you hear them live and think, is that the same person? not sara. when i see her perform i am sucked into her sensarity, passion, and soul. PLEASE check her out.

she had a friend with her to sing backup, i can't wait to check out his band too

the first time i heard ryans voice i wondered what he looked like. i know that may sound strange, but he sounded different than anything i had ever heard before. he sounded wise, worn, and hopeful all at the same time. i got to know him later that summer at a young life camp where i was working as the video intern. he was there doing the music, and i got to hear and more importantly see his story. he loves God and he wants people to know Him. as simple as that statement is his music and presence have a profound effect on people, myself included. if you've never listened to ryan, please do me and yourself a favor and check him out. he will have you dancing, laughing, crying, and wishing for more. you can also find his music on itunes.

without any light, except for the orangey spot light, my camera skills quickly diminish. just for posterity here are some shots.

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