Friday, March 20, 2009

tonsil fever; a lot like cabin fever

our sweet little friend max had his tonsils out last week. needless to say an almost two year old in a lot of pain is no fun for anyone. they have been trapped in their house of over a week hoping for the day when max felt good enough to play! so today, because we felt it was necessary, deacon and i made max and natalie go on a little trip to Crown Center. the only way max would consider getting in his car seat was the promise of seeing trains, so we found some trains! i love how excited max got when the horn blew. then we had lunch at a fun place another friend took me to last week- what can i say i really liked it! the light was perfect and the brownies were amazing.

i took a few shots of the boys. we both feel like it's hard to imagine what our boy will look like when they are older, but i just want to remember them like this forever.

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