Tuesday, March 31, 2009

this one's for vinnie

i have this friend. he's the kind of friend that will call and never say who it is but launch into some story or inside joke. he's the kind of friend that makes me blush, a lot. he believes in me, and when i sheepishly say thanks for the compliment he says, "no you don't understand, you're........" i went to his office the other day and i'm not really sure how, but like all things with vinnie he launched into a story.

this was his hang out. after football practice the guys would go to LaSala's for sandwiches. the guy behind the counter would cut the boys a deal with the end trimmings of the meats- it was still good, just cheap. this was his neighborhood, the building next door is adorned by his family name. i could picture it all in my mind, and i'd never been there.

i thanked vinnie for the story, and his time and was on my way. with curiosity getting to me, and an hour before a photoshoot i had to find LaSalas. i walked in the door and fell in love. great food- you can't get this sort of sandwich just anywhere- my basic turkey on Italian was hands down the best sandwich i've ever had. but i have to admit, my favorite part of LaSalas was the guy behind the counter "you want this for here or to go doll?"

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