Monday, July 13, 2009

divine appointments

they're all around you. just open your eyes and ask questions.

they found me in a commerce bank. somehow the work that was hung resonated with them, and they called. who knew the parallels in our lives would be so uncanny.

they simply needed some photographs for their new business cards, and letters. you see a couple of years ago he had a dream. in this dream he was aware that he needed to retire from his long standing career and start a new one, with his wife, in a completely foreign field. so now here they are ready to make this leap into the unknown as a real-estate team. he called me and still wasn't sure if they should come to me, but after we hung up they talked about it and decided something was just right and called back to make their appointment. i'm glad they did.

we talked about everything. from leaps of faith, marriage, children, business integrity, God and when it was all over we prayed together. that sort of connection is so rare but when it happens you wonder why you were really brought together. i'm excited for don and carol, for taking a risk and learning what living life to the full really means.

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