Monday, September 21, 2009


he's had so many firsts; steps, smiles, words. but somehow today felt more monumental. he started his first day of preschool. he was so excited to go, and then realized it was a big change and just wanted to stay home. he'll only be there a couple of days a week, but as i watched him walk away from me i realized even more that that's my job. i'm raising a man, not a child and he will continue to walk away from me and into growth. but i'll be here, just in case, cheering from the sidelines, hoping i'm doing it right and maybe wiping away a couple of tears of my own.


Reik said...

That first picture just breaks my heart! But, he will love it there and you will be very happy with the care and instruction that he will receive. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

oh! isn't marshall a striking young man behind deacon. he will always be there to comfort deacon when days at school aren't so great. and hopefully deacon will go through a dress-up stage that marshall can participate in! :)
xoxoxoxo... cb

The McMillian's said...

Poor Guy! :( I promise he will be well taken care of in the preschool room! :)We will have lots of fun together.