Monday, October 26, 2009

life interrupted

most people realize when they have a child, being flexible is part of the deal. when natalie found out she was pregnant with her second baby she didn't have any expectations, only hopes and prayers. lots and lots of prayers. her first pregnancy was spent praying that max would just make it.

she was prepared this time. she knew there would be some things that she would need to do to make this pregnancy more peaceful. or so she hoped. but after all of the precautions she has had one thing after another to contend, interrupting her life and what she thought he pregnancy would be like.

but she has other distractions too, good ones. she's got max and she's got ben. we laughed so hard when i took the last photo. her stance was so stoic, and serene. it is a perfect picture of how you have something in your mind, what it's suppose to look like. but then the crazy comes running in, distracting you and making it different than you thought. you can either get annoyed and frustrated, or you can laugh; natalie laughs.


Jan said...

These are the best pregnancy pics I've ever seen! And what a stylish momma!

Unknown said...

Beautiful family and beautiful pics. Well done Mrs. Gutshall.

Sara Lazio said...

Beautiful! Love seeing you step into what you love doing!

Jen said...

Seriously- that little red number is freaking adorable!!!! :) What a hot momma. Also, heard you just took pictures of my friend Angela- they're so cute!