Saturday, October 4, 2008

1 reason i love my job

there are millions of reason why i get excited about my job on a daily basis. My list could be 10 pages long, and maybe i'll share more from time to time. But this morning while i was going through some images of clients i pulled out a couple that just snuck in there some how and was struck with how amazing it is to do what i do.

i love that my son, deacon, gets to join my on photoshoots from time to time. that he gets to see that i get to do what i'm passionate about and that maybe he will get that vision for his life. 

i love that i have clients (like marty below) that think deacon is awesome and will go down slides and swing with him in the middle of the shoot. 

i love that deacon makes people laugh when he's around so i get these great natural smiles. 

i love that i get to capture him interacting.

i love that my schedule allows me to spend amazing quality time with him during most days and do fun things like go to the pumpkin patch.

i love that he gets to play with his grandparents and family while i'm working. 

i am beyond blessed to do what i do. 

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