Friday, November 6, 2009

turning heads

i have some pretty funny memories of this girl. she was my neighbor growing up, and her mom and i worked together when i graduated college.

she reminded me of when she was in middle school her mom caught her and a friend pretending to smoke and she loaded them in the car and drove them to my house so they could confess. they were of course humiliated but it was a good move, because that moment was etched into her mind.

she was one of the first people to hug me when i was crowned homecoming queen, and this year as she went down to the field i got to tell her how proud i was of her. it was fun to be on the other side, and know that we've been friends for that long. she is such an amazing person, growing into a woman with standards and a knowledge beyond herself.

on our photo shoot day we added a couple more stories to our vault. the best included the large amount of people that felt the need to share just how beautiful she is by whistling, cat calling, and just plain staring. i've never seen anything like it.

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