Thursday, April 16, 2009

pure joy

i think there is something seriously wrong with people that don't crack a smile at a laughing child. i can't help but giggle at little ones that are tickled by things grown ups don't think about being funny; like the way soda tickles the first time you try it, grandmas making goofy faces, or a dog knocking you over. i love being around kids, watching what makes them giggle and joining in.

owen is one, i met him when he was just a few month old. i have loved watching this baby boy grow into a sweet funny little guy. every time he comes back to visit me i am more and more smitten.


David Manning said...

I love boxers. I have a 7 year old named Zimbardo. Great shoot!

b said...

I can't believe how big and cute my nephew is getting! Great pictures, Meredith! I especially like the very first one.