Monday, April 13, 2009


what makes a person strong? i guess you could look at physical attributes like big muscles and athletic championships. while collin has both of these i don't think that's why people are always commenting on his strength.

my grand father was strong. i remember seeing him working in his garden moving wheelbarrows full of dirt in the hot kentucky sun for an entire days length. his only reprieve came in the form of a cold budweiser under the gum tree. he didn't take short cuts, point out that he was working hard, or complain, he just did it because it needed to be done.

when i look at collin i see a likeness. he has a characteristic that makes me think he was born late. he will appologize when he is wrong, he will work until the job is done, and he won't complain. he recognizes strength doesn't come from within and is prayerful in everything.

the morning of his shoot i was nervous because there was freezing rain and it was just plain cold. i told brandon that i was worried my shoot with colin might be canceled. he laughed and said "this is nothing for colin he probably works without a shirt on in this kind of weather."

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